No matter where you are on your retirement journey, planning and managing this next life stage can be daunting. Here at Just we understand this and we do our best to keep things as simple and straightforward as possible.
We're also committed to helping you make sense of the world of retirement planning, which is why in 2024 we teamed up with Pension Awareness Week (PAW) to be their ambassador partner, with special focus on defined benefit (DB) (otherwise known as final salary) pensions.

To DB or not DB?
DB or not DB? That is the question! It's no surprise to us that many people don't understand the difference between a DB pension and a defined contribution (DC) pension. This matters in terms of how you save for retirement, which is why we started with a livestream session on the topic. Watch it here.
A bit more about Pension Awareness Week
Since 2013, it has helped over one million people make sense of all things pension related, so they're in a position to make the right decisions and take the right actions. Most of the time, this is about getting people to understand the small steps they can take.
Pension Awareness Week happens in September every year and Pension Awareness Day is held on 15 September, come rain or shine!
But you can access a wealth of resources via their website all year round.